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10 Best Practices In iOS App Development to Follow In 2022


Every set of best practices have general guidelines for doing specific tasks to the best of one’s ability. Those with years of experience accumulate them and share them with their colleagues. Even in IT and software development, there is no difference.

There is a better approach, despite how enjoyable it might be to learn everything on your own. Learn from the errors of others. For this reason, we’ve compiled a list of ten best practices to guide you in building even better iOS applications.

You pick up new skills more quickly and make fewer errors. You can prevent most of them if you follow the best rules. Finally, instead of wasting time re-inventing the wheel, you can use best practices to concentrate on addressing genuine issues.

Here are the best rules and guidelines you should follow while performing iOS app development! Even if it’s not always easy, it will be worthwhile.

1. Decide the app’s architecture

Although that’s reasonable, this isn’t the ideal way to go about it.” It’s almost impossible to miss a step in the application process without severe penalties. You must determine the app’s architecture and design patterns before your team begins developing. You decompose an MVC application into three parts: the user interface (UI), the data, and the software.

Preparing your app for future updates and upgrades is an extra benefit. For both development and marketing, this is a smart move on the part. Then there’s the option of using React Native to build a native mobile app.

To get to this point, you’ll need extensive, in-depth research. To use an adage in software development, “measure twice, cut once” might be an appropriate analogy.

2. Create proper documentation

To better understand business logic, particularly in large systems, there is readily accessible documentation.

If your developers can see what the project is about, it will be simpler for them to work on it. Mainly if they are brought on later in the process; alternatively, someone may have to make some modifications after a few years.

The best projects require excellent execution and meticulous monitoring and control. Even if you’re a lone wolf, your memory may sometimes fail you. Additionally, well-written documentation can increase your app’s trustworthiness and speed up the review process in the App Store.

3. Comply with Apple store’s policies

To the surprise of many iOS app development companies, it is recommended that they begin thinking about their marketing strategy even before they start programming.

Distributing your mobile app is an essential part of its promotion. That is not the case. Indeed, this is something to keep in mind throughout developing and releasing your application.

If you don’t include this section, you’ll likely waste a lot of time building a product that won’t be permitted to be distributed on the App Store. For example, the Apple recommendations include safety, performance; business design; and legal difficulties.

4. Consider measurements for security

Every step of the iOS app development services, from architectural design to coding to testing to final release, should include considerations for application security. You don’t want your app to provide a point of entry for fraudsters looking to steal data or get access to a user’s device.

If your app is going to be used to make online payments or to store and utilize personal information, you can’t ignore security concerns. Your lack of seriousness regarding security might leave you open to fraud.

To minimize these risks, you need to implement a security strategy. The cache, logs, authorization, and authentication of your program should be examined.

5. Take into account the backward compatibility

Making an iOS app in 2022 means ensuring it works properly on iOS 14, which will be launched in December 2020. Consider backward compatibility if you’d want to make your iOS software accessible to a bigger audience.

It is possible to make your program “backward compatible” with earlier iOS versions and iPhones and iPads.

If your program has progressed and uses the latest iOS capabilities, it may be challenging to achieve backward compatibility.

6. Use of Xcode

Most iOS developers think Xcode is the best tool for creating apps for the platform. The primary reason for this is because it is the only iOS programming environment officially supported by Apple. All the documentation you could need is accessible for free, as well.

Xcode has a user-friendly design, allows for quick testing and bug-fixing, and allows for dynamic navigation. In addition, you can quickly link Xcode to GitHub for version control and team collaboration using the GitHub API.

If you don’t like AppCode, there are other options out there. Aside from Xcode, this is the most widely used (aside from the fact that it requires Xcode), but unless you genuinely need certain custom-built features, this isn’t worth it.

7. Integrate CocoaPods from Github

Xcode and GitHub are already part of your workflow. CocoaPods are another option. Dependency manager will improve your overall speed by keeping track of all of your third-party dependencies.

Using third-party dependencies may raise some eyebrows. However, even if they can do it all, you shouldn’t. It’s like trying to create the wheel all over again. Your app signup form has a password box. Your own rules and tests for appropriate password validation are at your disposal. Generic Password Row Pod, on the other hand, may be used to generate passwords, along with clues and an option to display passwords.

There are several ways CocoaPods may improve your coding skills. (At the very least) For instance, some programmers use configurations as constants. This is not only a violation of Apple’s guidelines but might also cause future issues. Use CocoaPods and do it correctly to keep configurations out of your code.

8. Begin with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a term you’ve undoubtedly previously heard of. In the end, though, its significance cannot be overemphasized. In many instances, it’s advantageous to concentrate on the most fundamental aspects that will form the foundation of your program.

To begin with, focusing on fewer problems is more straightforward than creating an app that excels at just a few things in the early stages. It’s better than a poor app that does a few things well.

Second, the MVP is delivered more quickly, and you receive feedback more quickly. MVP is also less expensive in the long run than a fully developed program.

9. As a goal, you should strive for a stunning design

Customers who purchase iPhones, iPads, or Macs should remember this. If customers desire a new iPhone for this reason, they’ll also search for it in iOS applications. Designing an eye-catching user interface isn’t required. Your app, on the other hand, will profit from a straightforward solution.

For your benefit, Apple has issued guidelines on human-interface design. Every aspect of user interaction, from animations to branding, to bars and buttons, is included. It responds to the need for clarity and comprehension.

10. Focus on accessibility and user-friendliness

People with disabilities were the starting point for the discussion about accessibility. The accessibility principle encourages us to create better apps by considering the needs of various users.

Accessibility may be broken down into two primary concepts, as Apple does in its Human Interface Guidelines. Permeability and simplicity. Users should be able to interact with applications in a familiar and consistent way.

Aside from a uniform user interface, it’s also about simplifying complicated operations into more minor, manageable activities. To put it another way, permeability implies that every material may be interpreted in various ways, from reading the text or listening to music to touching it. Contrast this with small controllers, which may sound alarms or even use voice commands.

Final thoughts

The use of best practices in any firm may benefit us all. Project management, software testing, automobile production, and architecture have their own best practices.

They’re based on the wisdom of a wide variety of professionals. The total number of beneficial methods is likely significantly higher. The vast majority of them are just exercises in good programming techniques. The ten guidelines will naturally lead to the rest of what you need to do.

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