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5 Most Important Tips for Water Heater Maintenance

water heater repair

water heater repair

A water heater is one of the important electrical appliances these days in almost every home. It offers hot water for various purposes so that we can finish our work without any issues. However, the water heater plays an essential role, especially in the winter season when everyone needs hot water even to wash hands.

Like any other electronic appliance, it also needs much care, whether you have purchased the best water heater installation for your home. It is true that the manufacturers of water heaters deliver the best part, but they can also wear out with time. Because of this, it becomes essential to maintain it properly so that it will work efficiently for a long period of time.

Now the question arises of how we should take care of or maintain the water heater? So, in order to get this answer let’s discuss some of the most important tips for water heater maintenance: –

  1. Inspect the water heater regularly.

Everyone easily forgets that the water heater works most of the time in your home. Whether you are using a tankless water heater or a tank water heater, most of us don’t think of it most often. However, in most homes, these water heaters are installed in areas that we cannot see regularly.

But if you want your water heater to work efficiently for a long period of time, ensure to look over it from time to time. That means even a simple visual inspection can make a big difference. In short, watch the water heater while working, which will help you know everything is going fine.

In other words, if you are not hearing any strange noise or noticing any suspicious smell, then it is working fine. However, if the case is the opposite, then you must contact a professional for water heater repair.

  1. Replace the air filter

These days air filters are there in almost every electrical appliance starting from the HVAC system to water heaters. If you have a tankless water heater installed in your home, then it must have good airflow to make the water hot within no time.

Most water heaters have air filters inside them, which needs proper care so that it will work efficiently for a long period of time. Air filters need to be in good condition if you want a free and unobstructed flow of air. If it is in good condition, only you will get enough hot water ready to use. However, if these air filters are clogged with dust, it can surely cause damage to your water heater, by which you have to call a professional for water heater repair service.

  1. Install insulation in the water heater

If the tank of your water heater is insulated, it will prevent heat from escaping, which means your power bills will be less. The reason is the water heater will work less to do various important functions. Apart from that, insulation in the water heater also prevents water from freezing in pipes which automatically avoid costly repairs or even burst pipe in your home.

So, if you want your water heater to run for a longer period of time, install insulation.

  1. Flush the water heater regularly.

This is one of the essential tips, or you can say the maintenance part, which most homeowners overlook. If your schedule is busy, make sure to take out some time at least once a year or twice a year to empty and flush the water heater tank.

This step is very important as it prevents the build-up of sediments in the water heater tank. Apart from that, cleaning the water heater tank is also essential to keep the water heater running efficiently. So, clean or flush the water heater tank regularly so that sediments will not build-up, which can shorten the life of the water heater.

  1. Tighten all joints and valves

This can be the last thing that will help you maintain your water heater. That sometimes means that due to loose joints and valves, the problem of water leakage can occur, which will waste your money and also speed up the corrosion process.

In other words, when water sits in the water heater for a long period of time, it will welcome rust. This rust can cause water heater components to break, which needs replacement or repair. So, check the joints and valves from time to time and ensure they are snug and don’t move.

Moreover, if you find any of the water heater components loose, tighten them up with the help of a wrench. However, if you don’t want to go for a do-it-yourself approach, then call a professional for water heater repair service.

The bottom line

The above are some of the helpful maintenance tips which will help you to keep your water heater in good condition. However, if you think you cannot check your water heater yourself, then ensure to call a professional technician for water heater repair.

So, take care of your water heater to increase its life expectancy.

Author Bio:- Karl Brown

Karl, a marketing manager at EZ Leak Detection, loves to write about plumbing and HVAC services to make the life of the reader easier. Leakages in your property can be dangerous but not all the leaks are easily accessible. He has given extensive information about water leaks and slab leaks and tips to detect them quickly along with quick solutions to prevent you from inconveniences and health hazards.

Leakage problems and malfunction of appliances demand comprehensive solutions. Also, regular maintenance is not the thing to be missed for leading a life with zero hassles. Read our recent post related to leakage detection and repair, alerts for HVAC shutdown and how to repair it, and installation of AC and water heater in San Diego.

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