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8 Popular Types Of Restorative Treatments

8 Popular Types Of Restorative Treatments

Are you thinking about how to make your smile look beautiful and aesthetic again? Then we suggest taking the help of restorative dentistry in Summerville! This dental branch uses various dental instruments to cover up your crooked, broken, or misaligned teeth. It can help you improve your overall look and even your oral health!

Wish to know the most popular restorative treatments before you choose one? Then read on as we discuss them in detail. Let’s get started!

8 Restorative Treatments 

If you have more than one missing tooth, you have to get dental bridges. In this procedure, the dentists in Summerville will place a false tooth over the missing one. They will also place crowns on either side to hold the bridge’s structure. Dentists use bridges to keep your mouth healthy while restoring your normal bite and smile.

Dental crowns are tooth-colored and shaped caps that a dentist uses to cover up someone’s cracked, decayed, or damaged tooth. It helps restore one’s tooth strength, aesthetic, shape, and size. There are various crown colors, and you can choose either a natural-looking one to help it blend in or go all out and get a gold crown to show off your quirkiness.

Veneers are porcelain semi-transparent shells bonded to your teeth to improve your appearance. It is the best solution for you if you have a deformed, crooked, discolored, chipped, or broken tooth. Veneers are great for improving your smile quickly. It is much more effective and faster than wearing braces. 

A dental implant refers to a dental tool that your dentist uses to replace your missing tooth. Here, they will use a metal screw to act as a root. Then they will place the implant there. There is no need to carve down your adjacent teeth during this procedure. Instead, your dentist will place a natural-looking crown over the implant.

A denture is a great way to ensure that you can chew comfortably, prevent any speech difficulties, and restore your smile. If you suffer from the damaged gum tissue and missing teeth, dentures are the best option. You can get implant-secured, complete, or partial dentures. Your dentist will customize one to suit your needs. 

If you have discolored, cracked, or chipped teeth, you must get composite bonding. It helps to fix any dental aesthetic problem to improve your smile. Your dentist will chemically bond a composite material to your tooth during the bonding process. They will save most of your teeth during this process.

Suppose your teeth are so damaged that even a filling is not enough to save them. That is when you have to get a root canal. It helps to clean out the debris and decay from your tooth root. It helps to restore your oral health and saves you from painful toothaches. After the root canal surgery is done, your dentist will fill the empty canal with gutta-percha or a rubber compound. Then they will use an inlay or onlay along with a dental crown to cover it up. 

Dentists consider tooth extraction as a last resort in restorative dentistry. Most of them will try to save as much of your damaged teeth as possible. However, if the tooth has been damaged beyond repair, then your dentist will take it out. Then, they will use implants or bridges to fill in the new teeth gap.


And that is all you need to know about the eight most popular restorative dental treatments! And the best part? They are super affordable as well. So what are you waiting for? Contact our dental clinic today and set up an appointment with our dentists. They can help you bring back your bright, beautiful smile!

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