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Easy Tips to Write a Good Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that persuades the reader of a particular point of view using factual evidence and logical arguments. It is the most difficult type of essay. However, the essay is not the thing that everybody is excel in. Although many types of essays seek to persuade the reader of a particular perspective, argumentative essays heavily rely on concrete evidence, attempting to draw on other studies as well as sources to prove one‟s argument is the best. Argumentative essays are only as strong as one‘s argument, and structuring strong arguments requires more than simply being obstinate (even though it helps!). The following blog post will go over the most effective tips for writing a fantastic argumentative essay.

What exactly is an argumentative essay?

The goal of argumentative essays, like any other type of essay, is to persuade the reader to a particular perspective. The method of persuasion is what distinguishes an argumentative essay: An argumentative essay provides factual evidence and unarguable logic to demonstrate that its thesis is correct. Persuasive essays do the same thing, but they’re more emotional and far less formal. Argumentative essays are more concerned with strong empirical data, while persuasive essays are more concerned with the reader’s emotions. In short, argumentative essays prefer quantitative evidence, whereas persuasive essays prefer qualitative evidence (Ellis, 2022).


Choose a Topic You’re Interested In

Take some time to brainstorm some ideas before you sit down and write your argumentative essay. Pick a good topic that piques your interest and that you truly want to learn further about. Just because it is a potentially controversial topic does not imply that, you should write about it. Making sure it’s a topic you’re interested in will make all of the subsequent research much more enjoyable for both you and the reader. If you’re stuck for ideas, look through over 120 argumentative essay topics from the English essay writing service to get you started.


Find an Effective Argument

Keep in mind your topic is not too broad (requiring a dissertation) nor too narrow. Determine your objectives for the paper. What is your goal? What point of view, opinion, or idea do you wish to advance? Before you start writing, try to explain your purpose clearly. If you are unable to express your purpose clearly, consider using an essay writer service for your topic.

Do as much research as possible

While conducting your research, take the time to read about both your own topic and opposing viewpoints. You can’t win an argument unless you fully comprehend where the other concern comes from. You should not only back up your own perspective with concrete data, but you must also point out the flaws in the opposing point of view and why it ultimately fails. Your essay will indeed be stronger if you can develop a solid argument and provide research to support it.

Examine Several Sources

The most important aspect of an argumentative essay is research. However, it is not only the number of sources that is important; the quality of the references is also important. You will need to look at several sources to ensure that the information is accurate and continues to support your argument. A section of the argumentative essay must be dedicate to addressing and rebutting the counterargument.

Consider your target audience

Prepare your paper with an audience in mind. Who are your target readers? Is there a distinct group of them—disinterested observers, opponents of your perspective, etc.? Maybe you’re writing to your classmates. Inquire with your teacher or GSI about who you must consider your audience. If you are unsure of your audience, address your argument to a broad audience.

Create an Outline

It can be hard to verify your findings and decide what is or is not worthy of inclusion as you conduct research. An argumentative essay writing outline will help you in organizing your facts, properly formatting your essay, selecting the best elements, and effectively mapping them out.

Write the essay

Establish the three main components of your essay that is introduction, body, and conclusion. Moreover, use bullet points to organize subsections. When you see your ideas organized and mapped out like that, you will be able to begin writing your essay. An essay is divided into three sections:

Introduction: A typical essay will have one or two introductory paragraphs that contain your thesis statement and try to tell what the key argument is and why the reader should keep on reading.

Main Body: The meat of your argumentative essay will be enclose in the body of your essay. It includes relevant facts, narratives, statistics, testimonials, and more in this section. The body also allows you to employ various modes of persuasion, such as emotional or logical appeals. The body of the paper can be as limited as three paragraphs or just as long as necessary.

Conclusion: In the final section, you’ll provide a concise summary of everything you’ve written. It will emphasize how the main body of your essay relates to your thesis statement as well as why your position is correct. Consider concluding with a hypothetical question or another eye-catching statement.

Edit your draft

Take off your writer’s shoes and put on the reader’s shoes after you’ve completed a developed draft. Examine your essay critically and thoroughly. Send a document of your essay to your classmates for feedback. Revise your document thoroughly based on your evaluation and advice from your peers. A peer editing sheet may be important for self and peer feedback on your draft. Your peers and you will be guided by a peer editing sheet, which will pose particular questions about your writing (e.g., What is the topic of this essay? Is it debatable? Is there enough evidence provided by the author? Is the structure appropriate for the topic and audience?).

Wrapping up

Reading the above blog hopefully helps you to draft the perfect argumentative essay. Make sure to not ignore the importance of editing and proofreading. Remember to read your argumentative essay as much as you can to eliminate the unnecessary things from your draft.

Reference list

Ellis, M. (2022, June 2). How to write a standout argumentative essay. How to Write a Standout Argumentative Essay | Grammarly Blog. Retrieved July 15, 2022, from

MES., (2022).  15 ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY TOPICS TO HELP YOU KICK-START YOUR ESSAY!. Online Available at [Accessed on 15th July 2022]

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