
Evidence of Quran and Wonders of Science.

The Qur’an is a miracle of Prophet Muhammad. Among Allah’s numerous favours to Muhammad, scholars feel the Qur’an is the finest. The Qur’an perfects the sacred scriptures of the prophets before it. The Qur’an is not simply guidance for Muslims, but for all humanity (to learn Quran online, the Hassaan Quran Academy is a good platform).

The number of Qur’an memorizers born into the cosmos and the verses that never end scientific investigations prove its truth. Even though the Qur’an was revealed 14 centuries ago, his miracle is scientific and predicts the future. Several Qur’anic passages have proven truthful even with modern science and technology. Many scientific research investigations have established this truth.

Today, we will look at some of the Quran’s scientific facts obtained from many sources:

Human Origins

“We made you; why don’t you justify?”

Many lines emphasize man’s extraordinary evolution. The data in these verses is so extensive that it would be impossible for someone in the 7th century to decipher.

We made man with the clay. There is no honour of anyone that human being living in this world except Allah. he is the only one who is the creator of All the people, even all the things in this world.


Mountains arise when massive plates collide, forming the earth’s crust. More solid plates slide down, while weaker plates fold up to produce mountains. The mountain acts as a shock absorber, geothermal energy disposal conduit, and soil fertilizer. The Qur’an discusses the mountain’s function in various passages, including:

The planet will not quake because we have built sturdy mountains and extensive roadways on this world to direct them. (Anbiya Surah 31)

“Didn’t we make the world a land? And the peaks as nails? (An-Naba:

Seabed Fire

Anatole Sbagovich, Yuri Bagdanov, and Rona Clint, scientists from the United States, found the fire phenomena on the ocean floor while examining the earth’s crust and its fault off the coast of Miami. Like molten lava surrounded by ash, like land-based volcanoes with temperatures up to 231°C. While it is boiling, it is neither hot enough to heat the water above it nor cold enough to put out the fire.

These plates are found in oceans or valleys. He was restraining hot melting boulders from flooding the sea. The amount of water in the sea reduces the heat of embers capable of evaporating saltwater at above 10,000 C. Other notable facts that have awed scientists worldwide.

The Qur’an mentions fire at the bottom of the ocean.

“For the hill. They wrote the novel on an open sheet. For Baitul Makmur (Kaaba). And for the heavenly sky. And heat is for the sea, where the earth is (Surat At-Thur: 1-6).

Motion-controlling brain regions

We will indeed remove his crown if he does not cease denying again. (Al Alaq: 15-16)

The phrase ‘the crown of the lying denials’ excites me. The prefrontal component is placed on the front of the skull bones and regulates the brain’s specific activities. Scientists found part of this piece 60 years ago, although the Quran listed it 1400 years ago. The cerebrum’s frontal lobe (large brain) is visible within the skull.

The word “the crown of the ungodly deniers again” clearly indicates the preceding reasoning. God disclosed a secret to scientists in the last 60 years in the Qur’an.

Circular Solar System

The Qur’an’s facts were identified through astronomical observations. Astronomers estimate the sun’s speed at about 720 thousand km/h approaching the star Vega in orbit termed the Solar Apex. It keeps the sun flying 17,280,000 miles every day. Visit USA Online Quran Courses if you aren’t familiar. The sun’s gravitational system’s planets and satellites also fly this distance. All the stars in the cosmos move similarly. The Qur’an mentions the solar system and the road in Surah Al Anbiya 33 and Surah Yasin 38-40.

“He made darkness, day, sun, and moon. Each of them circulates. (Anbiya Sura 33)

Many of the people still think that these are man created things just because they are not aware of teachings of Quran. Hassaan Quran Academy has started the Online Quran courses for these peoples who wants to gain the knowledge of Quran. They are offering one-on-one online courses so that they can easily learn Quran online without any disturbance.

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