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Best 10 Yoga for Weight Loss – Easy Asanas for Losing Weight

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga helps to stretch the body and improve blood circulation. It can also increase your metabolism. Yoga promotes flexibility, mental well-being, and mental health. It is easy to do yoga. It is easy to incorporate yoga into your daily routine.

1. Cobra Pose ( Bhujangasana)

The cobra pose is similar to a cobra. This beautiful pose can be achieved by lying down. In Sanskrit, it is called “Bhujangasana” Sanskrit. It is one of the most effective back stretching positions to increase metabolism and burn fat.

Steps To Do Cobra Pose: –

2. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This is a standing position. This pose has many health benefits. Sanskrit is also known as “Utkatasana” (sitting on a chair). It would be best to squat while keeping your body still to perform this asana correctly.

Steps To Do Chair Pose: –

Bridge pose is an excellent choice if you are looking for simple yoga asanas to lose weight. This is a back-bending yoga pose that can be rejuvenating. It is also effortless to do and can help you lose weight. It can boost your energy and make you more flexible. you can join 200 hours yoga teacher training that will give you to the next level. 

Steps To Do Bridge:

4. Dog Yoga Pose for Weight Loss (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This asana can be used to stretch the entire body. This asana can tone your stomach, arms, legs, and stomach. It can also strengthen your shoulders. This forward-bending yoga position can help you improve your long-term health.

Steps To Do Downward Facing Dog Pose: –

5. Trikonasana (Utthita Trikonasana)

It is one of the most fundamental yoga poses. Trikonasana, a great yoga exercise for weight loss, is a good choice. This pose is excellent for stretching your hips and shoulders. It can also help to reduce stress levels. This pose is perfect for beginners.

Steps To Do Trikonasana:-

6. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana).

A great way to stretch your entire body is with the Thi pose. It helps to maintain balance and flexibility. It can also be quite challenging. This pose should only be attempted if you have the proper guidance. This pose can strengthen your back, shoulders, and legs.

Steps to Do Warrior Pose

Keep your feet together and stand straight.

Avoidance: This asana is not recommended for people with heart disease, shoulder problems, high blood pressure, or other health issues.

7. Suryanamaskar: The Sun Salutation

It is a great cardio exercise. Suryanamaskar, a set of 12 yoga poses, is designed to give your entire body a great workout. It also has a significant traditional value.

These yoga poses are used to show gratitude to the sun. Surya Namaskar for weight loss is effective. There are many variations of this pose. However, it is recommended to practice it regularly and stick with the one you feel most comfortable in.

Also Read: Easy Yogasanas to remove the eating disorders

8. Plank pose (Phalakasana)

Plank is a great way to strengthen your core and lose belly and arms fat. This pose can also be used to relieve back pain. Regular practice of phalakasana can help you relax and reduce stress. It’s a great yoga asana for reducing belly fat.

Steps to Do Plank Pose:

9. bow pose (dhanurasana).

Are you looking for effective yoga asanas for weight loss? Bow pose is an excellent place to start. This pose can help strengthen your abdominal muscles and give them a toning effect. It can help you lose weight over time. It can also improve your posture. This pose is excellent for reducing back pain.

Steps to do a bow pose

10. Boat Pose (Navasana)

The boat pose is an easy and beautiful yoga pose that will strengthen your core muscles. Regular practice can increase your metabolism and encourage weight loss. This yoga pose can be incorporated into your daily life to help you become more flexible and fitter.

Steps to Do Boat Pose:

Precautions: If you are pregnant, or have a menstrual cycle, avoid this asana.


An ancient Indian practice, yoga can help improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. This sacred practice also involves stretching the entire body. Yoga is also effective for healthy weight loss. Yoga poses that are good for weight loss include Suryanamaskar and Bow pose. These yoga poses will help you tone your body and make it fitter.

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