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Continuous Security: Achieving compliance while keeping your systems secure

What does the term Continuous Security mean? In the information security industry, it means that organizations can achieve compliance without sacrificing security. If you’re an IS manager, have you wondered how your organization can achieve both Continuous Security and Continuous Compliance? And if you’re an IS analyst, have you ever asked yourself how do I ensure that our systems are continuously secure? Either way, this blog will help shed some light on these matters and more.

What is Continuous Security?

It’s called Continuous Security. And it means that, instead of checking off a bunch of boxes for regulatory compliance. And then locking down on hardening your network for good. You need to be continuously assessing your overall security environment and evolving it as new threats appear or vulnerabilities are discovered. The problem? Just about every industry—and every company within each industry—has a different way of doing things; everyone has their own rules, standards and priorities when it comes to securing information. One size does not fit all when it comes to creating an effective enterprise-wide approach for dealing with security. The solution? Get organized.

What are the benefits of continuous security?

In today’s digital world, security is an ongoing concern for businesses of all sizes. One way to address the problem of security and make it more manageable is by focusing on continuous security. Which ensures that companies are constantly monitoring their information systems for potential vulnerabilities or attacks. With continuous security, companies can stay on top of potential issues and ensure that they remain in compliance. With industry standards and government regulations at all times.

How can you implement continuous security?

Keeping up with security regulations is a challenge for any business. And, at some point. It’s likely that you’ll need to make sure that your system is in compliance with security regulation X or Y (for example, PCI DSS). That said, implementing an efficient and effective continuous security program isn’t easy. Here are five steps you can take to help create a successful program.

What are the steps in achieving continuous security?

The idea is to prevent, detect and mitigate security risks. But security is a broad topic that involves people, processes and technology. It includes everything from adopting the latest vulnerability management software to implementing proper encryption in your cloud environments. You should create plans for handling incidents of hacking and data loss, as well as updating software regularly. Else risk being hacked yourself! At the same time, you can take steps to make sure someone is monitoring the overall health of your environment—if you don’t have such a plan in place already—to keep things running smoothly for users and administrators alike. The result? You’ll have achieved continuity in one aspect of business with little extra effort required from IT teams or end users alike.

Takeaways from this section

There is always room for improvement in any business. The same is true with security, but businesses need to know what their priorities are when it comes to improving their security posture. Any company can benefit from adopting an attitude of continuous security and starting to address challenges before they become an issue. Implementing continuous security takes into account that if a company’s IT environment is always changing and evolving, securing it shouldn’t be either. Because of these changing environments, there is no such thing as perfect or final state when it comes to security. So continuous improvements must also happen on a regular basis.

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