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The Keto Diet: All You Need To Know

keto diet weight loss chart

Ketogenic diets- or ‘going keto’- have achieved great results for fat loss and so much more.

If and when you choose to stick to this way of eating, you will be able to lose weight quickly. A keto diet weight loss chart also helps to stabilize your blood sugar and insulin levels.

Because the foods that you eat help in balancing your hormones, you do not struggle with hunger, cravings, and other such problems that may hold your weight and overall health hostage.

How a ketogenic diet works

In order to understand why you might burn fat better on a keto diet or while being in ketosis, you should imagine your body as a car. Glucose is your body’s gasoline: Your body breaks down food into glucose for energy.

But what happens when your body does not have enough glucose to use? After all, you cannot run without gasoline.

But fortunately, that does not happen with your body. We all have a backup fuel called ketones, which your liver creates from fat, which then puts your body in a state called ketosis.

With a keto-fat-reducing diet chart, you restrict carbohydrates and protein, which means that you consume a diet that is high in fat. Insufficient carbohydrates or protein means that you do not have much glucose for fuel. Your body tends to utilize that back-up fuel, further converting the fat that you consume and body fat into ketones.

Benefits of a keto diet

At least for the shortest time, studies have shown that keto diets are very good for weight loss. They can also improve other conditions such as type 2 diabetes.

These benefits come from many factors such as:

Lower insulin levels

When you eat foods with carbohydrates and to a lesser extent protein, you tend to raise your blood sugar levels. Insulin also steps in to lower those blood sugar levels, further delivering glucose to your cells for energy or to store for backup fuel known as glycogen. But the high insulin levels- that can happen when you eat too many carbohydrates- can help prevent fat loss. On a keto diet, you can keep insulin levels lower. Low insulin indicates that your body may easily access fat stores for fuel.

Hormonal balance

Keto diets help to balance other hormones besides insulin. Among the hunger-regulating hormones is leptin, a hormone that tells your brain to stop eating. Ghrelin has the opposite effect: This hormone tells you to eat more. When these and other hormones stay in balance on a keto diet, you are less likely to have hunger and cravings.

Lower inflammation levels

Chronic inflammation plays a major role in obesity but also in diseases including diabetes. Sugar, in all its many disguises, is actually an inflammatory food. On a keto diet, you tend to keep your sugar and overall carbohydrate intake very low. When you combine that approach with whole, unprocessed foods, you lower the inflammation levels.

These and other additional advantages of a keto diet help you lose weight and further reduce the risk of disease. People on keto diets have also reported more energy, focus, and mental clarity.

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