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The key points to opening a fruit juice bar

Do you want to open a fruit juice bar? Good news, you will find in this article everything you need to know before you start.

Market research for a fruit juice bar

Before opening a fruit juice bar, you will need to conduct a market study to verify your project’s commercial validity and define the best strategy to put in place for your juice bar.

In-depth research of industry trends, a detailed analysis of your competitors, and a careful study of your potential clientele should be part of the market research for a juice bar.

The French fruit juice bar market


The French are big consumers of fruit juice, and the annual per capita consumption has increased from 3-4 liters at the beginning of the twentieth century to 22 liters today ( Unjust ).

The French fruit juice market thus represents 1.5 billion liters, which makes France the second largest market in Europe behind Germany.

In terms of distribution, supermarkets are clearly in the majority since fruit juices consumed outside the home represent only 11% of the total volume of sales. The concept of fruit juice bars is to offer freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices in front of the consumer to guarantee the preservation of all the vitamins.

Typology of the fruit juice bar market

Many franchises are present in the juice bar market.

The French pioneers are none other than Elixir and Want to Juice, present for almost six years in France.

This is what the brand’s Juju’s and Jolie Jus offer in particular.

Future trends of the fruit juice bar market in France

We can note the emergence of cold-pressed juices, which means that the Juice is extracted slowly without ever heating it or exposing it to the air so that it retains all its vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. For this, we use a hydraulic press, not a centrifuge or a mixer. This trend from the United States fits perfectly into the movement of organic and healthy products (By concept. co).

Some Aspects of Juice Bar Regulation

When one wishes to open a fruit juice bar, it is necessary to respect the same regulations as for any commercial catering establishment, i.e., selling drinks and food for immediate consumption.

Therefore, any fruit juice bar must have at least one person in its workforce who has undergone training in food hygiene. During the installation, it is also necessary to register with the Departmental Directorate in charge of Population Protection (DDCPP).

We also note that since June 1, 2011, the sale of non-alcoholic beverages no longer requires a license: if you want to open a non-alcoholic fruit juice bar, you will not need to worry about obtaining a permit. For drinks. However, you will need a take-out license.

Finding a location for your fruit juice bar

After researching the juice bar market, you now need to find a local one.

The choice of location will be decisive for the success of your juice bar. Take care to opt for an accessible and visible site on a busy axis. It is recommended to set your sights on a room near your target clientele: not far from a fitness center or a university campus, for example.

You also have the possibility of taking over an existing fruit juice bar: which will allow you to benefit from an already equipped room and a current clientele.

Choosing the legal structure of your juice bar

The next step to opening a juice bar is choosing a legal status for your business.

Choosing the legal status of your juice bar is an important step that will influence many aspects of your business, including the corporate tax regime, your liability for debts of the company, and your colonial rule as a manager.

To make your choice under the best conditions, take the time to find out about the different legal statuses available to you by consulting our guide.

The human and material needs necessary to open a fruit juice bar

Once you have found your location and decided on the legal structure of your juice bar, then comes the time to look at the human and material needs necessary for the proper functioning of your business.

First of all, you will have to take care of the layout and decoration of your premises following the regulations in force. You will also need to invest in furniture and industrial kitchen equipment: dishes, juicers, blenders, juicers, refrigerated bins, cup dispensers, etc.

The second step: is the recruitment of staff, which is essential. Indeed, the sense of hospitality of your servers can make all the difference compared to your competitors.

Finally, setting up a fruit juice bar also requires taking out insurance and possibly hiring an accountant to manage your cash flow.

The marketing plan for a juice bar

An effective marketing plan is essential to make your juice bar known and retain your customers.

Several options are available to you here; you can see in particular:

A juice bar business plan

Another essential step in your project: writing the business plan for your fruit juice bar.

The business plan is a document comprising a written part used to present the project and its assets and a quantified part highlighting its potential for profitability and its need for financing.

This detailed document will allow you to ensure that the project is financially viable and will be essential to you when seeking funding.

If you’re new to writing business plans and aren’t sure how to do it, you can use online business plan software.

Using specialized software has several advantages:

If you are interested in this type of solution, you can try our software for free by registering here.

Finding funding to open a fruit juice bar

Now that the business plan for your juice bar has been written, all you have to do is seek financing.

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