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The Objective of Methodology and Literature Review Writing in Dissertation

The Objective of Methodology and Literature Review Writing dissertation writing a methodology and literature review in a dissertation is crucial for your final project. The objective of the literature review is to turn a network of related works into a focused review of relevant literature. However, when writing this chapter of your dissertation, be sure to follow the journal’s style guidelines. These guidelines are usually listed on the “Guide for Authors” page. Listed below are the important elements of a methodology and literature review.

Structure your literature review in your dissertation

To write an effective literature review, it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the subject. This means you need to use a structured approach to organize your material. This structure should begin with an introduction and continue on to a conclusion. It is important to note that the structure of your methodology section may differ from the structure of your literature review section. Listed below are some guidelines to help you structure your literature review in your dissertation.


In the introduction, you should give an overview of your literature review chapter. In this section, you will introduce the topic, the purpose of the chapter, and the structure. The introduction should give your reader a high-level roadmap of the entire chapter. Make sure to present the most relevant data first. Include relevant citations to the literature review. Also, make sure to include a concise overview of the findings from your own research.

Length of your dissertation’s methodology

The length of your dissertation’s methodology and literature review depends on its purpose. This type of work should be around 20 to 40 percent of your dissertation’s overall length. In general, it will be about 2,000 words long. If you’re writing a master’s thesis, it will be around 60 to 100 pages. The length of the literature review will depend on your degree level. For a bachelor’s degree, it should be about 40 to 60 pages long.

A literature review should tie to your topic and demonstrate its contribution to knowledge. It should also establish its importance and relevance to the overall argument. The literature review should include full citations and references, including the authors’ names and the year they were published. The literature review should be well-organized and follow citation style guidelines. It should be comprehensive enough to provide the necessary background for the thesis and literature review.


The purpose of the methodology and literature review is to gather information about an area of study and then analyze the research literature. You will need to consider key debates and trends and group the studies and research papers by the same theme, in order to present a comprehensive overview of the literature on the topic. It is also necessary to define your point of view and explain how you chose to analyze the literature. For example, you may choose to discuss the literature on a specific topic, but make sure to state the general hypothesis that you want to prove in your dissertation.

How to write a methodology and literature review for your dissertation, make sure to reference various sources. You should also provide evidence to support your interpretations and arguments on the research topic. Do not treat the literature review as an opinion piece. It must be based on evidence. You should also include a sample paragraph that highlights the proper citation of sources. This section is critical because it helps your readers understand your research topic.

Linking words

When writing a literature review, it is important to include linking words. These words group writers with similar and divergent viewpoints together. Some examples of useful linking words include parallels, convergence with, diverges from, and differential from. The conclusion of a dissertation literature review should summarize the implications of the literature reviewed, linking this to the overall argument and research question. Linking words can also be helpful in abstracting research papers.

When referencing a source, always include the author’s name and their contribution to the subject of the review. It is also important to show how the sources you reference relate to each other. Using only one reference at a time will not make the connection clear. Linking words within a paragraph will make the connection clear. Use a sample paragraph for this purpose. Make sure that each paragraph contains a topic sentence, followed by references to the literature review.


There are many ways to present the literature review and methodologies. Students may wish to consult with their professors in choosing the appropriate approach. Some students may prefer a chronological framework, which means arranging the materials in order of publication. For example, a literature review on a teaching method might begin with the materials that introduced the method, move on to case studies that applied the method, and then conclude with contemporary papers that provide a historical perspective on the method.

In order to avoid confusion and ambiguity, a systematic approach is preferable. A chronological review will have subsections for each crucial time period of the past. On the other hand, a thematic review will have subtopics based on the theme or issue. In both cases, students should select the best place for the literature review and check with their professor to ensure that they are using the correct format.

Tips for Dissertation Writing

Tips for dissertation writing to start with, conclude as far as possible by which you really want to finish every part or segment. From that point onward, sort out the number of pages you that will every day to complete your dissertation. Having done that, find yourself mixed up with a composing schedule. Pick those work hours when you believe that you can compose best.

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