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Treatment of Hearing Loss With Cochlear Implant

cochlear implant cost in Pakistan

A cochlear implant is a surgical procedure that can restore some hearing to an individual with severe hearing loss. The implant consists of an electrode placed in the cochlea. The patient can communicate on the telephone or use a computer with a cochlear implant. The procedure takes about one to two hours. Patients will require speech rehabilitation and must limit contact sports. This is the only major drawback to the operation.

What is Cochlear Implant?

The cochlear implant is an electronic device that will replace the inner ear. It works by sending electrical impulses to the brain, bypassing the damaged hair cells in the cochlea. The implant uses a small microphone and battery to send sound vibrations to the brain. These signals are interpreted by the brain. The surgery can take anywhere from two to four weeks to complete. After the surgery, the patient will need to receive regular adjustments and audiologic rehabilitation, which will help them regain their speech.

Before the surgery.

The candidate will undergo audiological and psychological testing. The surgeon will review the results of his or her hearing tests and recommend a cochlear implant. If he or she finds that the candidate is a good candidate for the procedure, the surgeon will perform the operation. The procedure takes between two and four hours. During the procedure, the patient will be unable to hear, but the surgical site will be healed before the external device is attached.

During the surgery.

the patient will be given general anesthesia. A small incision in the mastoid bone will be made. The implanted part of the cochlea will be inserted through the tiny hole in the cochlea. A receiver-stimulator is then inserted behind the ear and fixed to the skull. After the surgery, the patient can use their cochlear implant cost in Pakistan.

After the procedure.

The outside part of the cochlear implant will be attach to the receiver-stimulator behind the ear. The surgery is a fairly simple procedure. However, the person may experience some loss of hearing in the implanted ear. The external part of the cochlea is cover with a large bandage to prevent infection. The surgeon will also need to take a few minutes to check the patient’s health.

A cochlear implant is a surgical procedure to restore the hearing in a person with sensorineural hearing loss. The procedure consists of two parts: the receiver-stimulator, which is under the skin, and the speech processor, which is worn behind the ear. The speech processor will allow a person to hear without any problems after the procedure. There are also some side effects related to the surgery.

Candidates for cochlear implant surgery need to have moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss.

The implant is usually place in the mid to high frequency range. People with this type of hearing loss cannot hear consonant sounds such as birds chirping, which means they will have trouble interacting with people in noisy environments and chemicals. During the process of getting the cochlear implant, a person will have to undergo a series of procedures to determine the exact cause of their hearing problem.

Before undergoing the procedure, candidates will need to undergo a thorough evaluation. After the audiologist evaluates the patient’s hearing, he or she will determine whether cochlear implant surgery is the best choice for the patient. Afterwards, the patient will have to undergo additional physical therapy to retrain the brain to process sounds. Although cochlear implant can improve the quality of life for people with hearing loss, the procedure does not restore normal hearing.

After the Cochlear Implant is place.

The external part will need to fit. The audiologist will activate the cochlea and map the processor to the patient’s specific needs. The first time when Cochlear implant is switch on. The patient will experience a great emotional and physical milestone. The audiologist will also guide the patient with their speech. The outside part will be connect to the receiver-stimulator.

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