Health and Fitness

7 Foods to Increase Male Fertility Naturally

Fertility is a tricky term in health or medical science. It relates to a state in which you and your partner become parents of a healthy & cute baby naturally. However, it doesn’t happen to all of you. Some of you (married couples) have to face issues in your way of parenthood. You or your partner have complexes in being a father or mother of a child. And such a health condition is infertility and may occur to both of you, males and females. Having consultation with a Male Fertility expert at the best IVF centre in Bangalore or in your local city can help you know whether you or your female partner has a fertility problem, which is named as infertility.

To cure fertility issues, the expert advises couples to have a few tests. And after going through the test results, the expert suggests taking a proper healthy diet, performing exercises and staying stress-free, apart from prescribing medicines and offering assisted reproductive methods if required. Here, it is clear that diet has a crucial role in curing fertility issues. Foods help enhance both female fertility and male fertility. Here are some foods to increase male fertility naturally:

  1. Pumpkin Seeds & Oysters 

Pumpkin seeds and oysters are rich in zinc, which is one of the most effective minerals for reproductive health and male fertility. Due to this, these two food items enhance sperm count, boost testosterone levels and increase sperm motility. In addition, zinc works as a hormone balancer and enables sperm function well. Oysters are also known as an aphrodisiac.

  1. Nuts

A study funded and conducted by the nut industry states that nuts might assist enhance sperm function and quality. In particular, walnuts are very effective in improving male fertility and sperm quality. They do it, as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Here are other nuts having the same properties:

  • Almonds
  • Hazelnuts
  • Peanuts
  • Pecans
  • Pine nuts
  1. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins C & E  

A few recent studies suggest that vitamins C and E might slightly support sperm motility and count. Good sperm count and quality is essential for a man to make his female partner pregnant. You can find these vitamins in fruits and vegetables like:

  • Avocados
  • Mangoes
  • Oranges
  • Tomatoes
  • Grape fruits
  • Green & leafy vegetables like spinach, beans, broccoli
  1. Pomegranate juice 

To stay healthy and fit, taking antioxidant rich foods or food items is crucial for both of you. Some studies done on animals have shown that drinking pomegranate juice is beneficial for increasing sperm quality and count. Studies on its role for male fertility are going on. However, fertility experts say that there is no harm in taking a small glass of pomegranate juice.

  1. Fatty fish 

A research work states that the sperm of a fertile man has more omega-3 fatty acids in comparison with an infertile man’s sperm. Further, omega acids help increase blood flow to male’s genital organ that makes a man perform well in bed. It means you should eat the food items that contain enough omega fatty acids if you want to increase your fertility naturally. And you can get such acids in foods like:

  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Anchovies
  1. Lean meats

Usually, processed foods, including meats are bad for overall health. However, lean cuts of meat are beneficial for increasing male fertility. It is, as meat, especially red one, is rich in zinc. A few studies have stated that lack of zinc in a couple’s diet might increase their infertility risk. Low zinc causes poor sperm count and quality that is directly linked to male fertility problems.

  1. Bananas 

Bananas are in the category of superfoods. Being a rich source of vitamins A, B1, and C, bananas are essential for couples, especially males, willing to be parents of a cute & healthy baby. In addition, the bananas consist of a very rare enzyme, called Bromelain, which makes inflammation go down and helps increase sperm count & quality.


Diet plays a crucial role in keeping a person healthy and fit. And when it comes to curing a health condition, taking some food items is crucial. You should take the above-mentioned foods to enhance your fertility naturally. For more on male fertility, you can consult a fertility specialist at the best IVF centre in your city.


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