Health and Fitness

Dengue Fever: All You Need to Know

A mosquito bite can lead to many dreadful diseases like filariasis, malaria, dengue, zika, chikungunya, etc. Among the debilitating mosquito-borne viral diseases, dengue infections occur and spread like wildfire. More than 390 million dengue infections are reported worldwide, where 96 million result in severe fatalities.

The Aedes variant of mosquitoes carries the germ of dengue, chikungunya and some other viruses. Dengue, also known as backbone fever, can be highly hazardous, so people shall not take this very lightly. The dengue symptoms cannot be distinguishable in children and adults.

How is the Dengue Virus Contracted?

When an Aedes aegypti mosquito bites an already infected person, the virus gets transmitted to its bloodstream. And when it heads over to bite another healthy person, the virus gets automatically transmitted. 

The dengue infection is caused by the DENV, containing four different stereotypes. In other words, every person can get infected by the virus four times in their entire lifetime. Recovering from the virus can make the patient immune to combat that particular strain. Nevertheless, they can remain susceptible to the other three.

Where is the Dengue Virus More Prevalent?

Dengue virus occurs more or less across the entire globe. But places like India, Mexico, Southeast Asia, and some parts of South and Central America are most vulnerable. 

Symptoms of Dengue Infection

We cannot distinguish between dengue infection amongst children and adults as it is similar to any other common type of fever. It has the probability to shoot up the body temperature to 104 degrees F and beyond. Other symptoms of dengue infection include:

  • Persistent nausea and vomiting
  • Bone, muscle and joint pain
  • Swollen glands
  • Body rash
  • Throbbing pain around and behind the eyes
  • Intolerable headache

In the case of mild dengue infection, patients usually show symptoms after a week from the day of biting. Sometimes it can also lead to severe complications, which require instant medical attention. 

Besides, the symptoms of haemorrhagic dengue infection can be initially mild but can worsen with time. On the other hand, the most fatal and dangerous kind of dengue infection is shock syndrome. This can be so severe that it can lead to multiple organ failures, causing the patient to die.

Treatment of Dengue Infection

As there is no prescribed and significant dengue fever treatment, patients must consult with healthcare professionals. The key to curing oneself and efficiently reducing the severity is early detection and medical care. Some of the other methods of treating dengue infection are:

  • Maintaining Personal Hygiene

Dengue infection has the propensity to invite other harmful conditions. So patients need to have well maintained personal hygiene. As patients have high temperatures, they can always have a warm sponge bath by adding a few drops of Dettol. In other words, sanitisation plays a vital role in getting rid of germs from the skin and clothes.

  • Consuming Medicines

Since dengue infections result in high temperatures, doctors and physicians recommend paracetamol and acetaminophen-containing pain relievers. This helps the patients to arrest their fever significantly. And if it results in severe dehydration, patients are mostly advised with a saline drip.

  • Maintaining a Proper Diet and Remaining Hydrated

Having a well-maintained diet is necessary for all patients suffering from dengue infection. It helps them boost their immune system so that they can combat further infections. 

On the other hand, dengue infection promotes frequent bouts of vomiting and nausea combined with a high fever. So it is imperative to consume fluids and remain hydrated throughout.

Prevention of Dengue Infection

Preventing and controlling dengue infections entirely depends on effective vector control measures of the entire community. Since there is no prescribed treatment, taking a few precautions regularly will help reduce greater chances of infections.

Some of the preventive measures are:

  • Keeping Top-Notch Personal Hygiene

Maintaining personal hygiene is essential, especially during illnesses, as patients remain extra vulnerable.

  • Reducing Exposure to Skin

Wearing full-sleeved clothes can keep the skin covered and reduce exposure to the skin. So there are lesser probabilities of mosquito bites. Also make sure to use mosquito nets during the night for preventing mosquitoes from biting.

  • Eliminating Storage of Open Stagnant Water

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes usually prefer breeding in clean stagnant water. So it is advised not to let water accumulate in the open, thereby becoming a breeding ground.

  • Using Mosquito Repellent

People can keep mosquitos away by using effective mosquito repellent. So you can carry a few repellents to prevent yourself from any mosquito bites.

To Conclude

Dengue infection is caused by a virus carried by the Aedes variant of mosquitoes. Since there is no specific medication or antibiotic for treating it, patients are required to consume nutritious food. Besides, they also need to keep their body hydrated for which fluid consumption is crucial. In case of any severe issues, patients can acquire medical attention from doctors of Apollo Hospitals.

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